Friday 2 July 2010

june reading

Well it was a close call in June. I just couldn't get into this book, or at least couldn't get into it in the sporadic page-or-two-here-and-there manner in which I was reading it. And I put off really getting down to reading it until this past week, and only because the end of June was fast approaching and I had a resolution to keep.

Anyway, another fine Dandy Gilver mystery - Bury her Deep by Catriona McPherson. This is the third book in the series (and the third that I have read) and I was struck again, as I was by the first volume, at the length of some of the incredibly convoluted sentences which, should one not keep one's wits about herself, require her to return again and again to the top of the paragraph in order to retrace her reading steps, so to speak, in an effort to rediscover the gist of the narrative.

I did enjoy this in the end and had to read the last hundred pages all in one sitting because once the narrative revved up I couldn't bear to put it down (even if it was past midnight). Dandy Gilver is a wonderful character and still fresh after three books. There are a few more in the series and I'm looking forward to reading them (well I have to; it's a series so I have to) but am going to look for some lighter works of fiction for July. Something with sex perhaps, and vampires.

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